the yarning place, south kingsville

Check the Yarning Place for updates.

Sometimes you just discover a gem that makes you smile. The Yarning Place is just one of those places. Yes, they sell wool and yarn, knitting supplies, some ready made beanies, scarves and jumpers etc.

BUT they also serve up some home-made scones that are delicious and cups of tea and coffee too!

Cindy, Jane and Lance are the owners here and are genuinely lovely westie folk with a love of yarn and bringing their craft to the masses in the nicest most possible way.

Yarn groups for kids!
Every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm
This 1 hour weekly group has been specially organised for 7-12 year olds who want to knit, crochet or make poms poms in the company of other kids.
Cost is $5.00 per week which includes light refreshments
To register call 9399 4213, or drop by the shop and register in person.

For other groups and times click here

Mamma’s special mentions: South Kingsville is awesome and the home of Motorino, Edwards reserve, Burn City Smokers and The Black Sheep

the nitty gritty

open Monday - Saturday
10am - 6pm

29 Vernon St, South Kingsville

wanna know more? click here