giant sky wheel, geelong

Mamma loves a Ferris Wheel. Is it the views? Or the kids excitement?

If you are in Geelong it is impossible to miss the Giant Sky Wheel located on the shore of Eastern Beach. The kids love soaking in the views across the bay and sunset is a spectacular time to hop on for a ride. It is a great way to see all that Geelong has to offer too!

All in all, it takes about 20 minutes. Loading in is about 5-10 minutes with an 8-10 minute ride.
Oh and at night it lights up the sky with over 300, 000 lights too - making it a spectacle to see.

Mamma’s special mention: Pair up with a feast at Wah Wah Gee - a short walk away along the waterfront!

Sky Wheel Geelong - Copyright Mamma Knows West (28 of 28).jpg

the nitty gritty

Waterfront Geelong

Open every day from 12 midweek and 10am weekends

wanna know more? (including prices) click here