aircraft viewing area, bulla

Update: We have been informed that after some consultations the spot will remain open. We will keep you informed of any changes. This info has come to us from the ice cream vendor onsite.

This place has been a favourite amongst aircraft enthusiasts for over 30 years now, and a spot Dadda used to come with his folks over 20 years ago for having some family time, pointing at the gigantic planes flying overhead and grabbing an ice cream or two.  It's still a favourite for families after all these years and the ice cream van is still here (sometimes two!)  - there was also a crepe man on the day Mamma went.  The planes were coming every few minutes so we weren't waiting very long - it can be loud for the littlies thought - although Mamma has heard them scream way louder than the planes ever got!  You can fix this issue by bringing some ear muffs or even just sitting in the car and watching from inside - which is better for cold days too.

Word on the street is that the council, Vic Roads and the Airport Authority are looking to fix up the area in terms of resurfacing and possibly a kiosk so Mamma will keep an eye out!

Mamma's special mention: It gets very busy here with families and sunset is a lovely time to visit!

the nitty gritty

no toilets - benches - food/ice cream van- try not to let your rubbish blow away!

Cnr Sunbury Road and  Oaklands Road, Bulla
(GPS 1 Sunbury Rd Bulla)