ILLUMINATE at Scienceworks - Spotswood
/Mamma loves Scienceworks - there is always something new to discover and we LOVE this exhibition. Gather the kiddos and get ready for an epic interactive light adventure!
Illuminate is a brand new exhibition exploring the science behind the fastest traveller in the universe – light. Ignite the senses and learn through hands-on interactive play. What is light, what can we do with it and how do we see?
In this vibrant festival-themed exhibition you will explore visual perception and illumination through colour, sound and action. Learn how light behaves, where it comes from, how it reflects and refracts and what tools we’ve invented to harness it.
You can choose-your-own-adventure and experiment together with colours, shadows, mirrors, lenses, lasers and more. You’ll use your whole body to activate exhibits and see yourself and the world around you in a different light.
Bend light, blend colour, dance with shadows and transform reflections. With an array of open-ended interactive exhibits, magnify, mix, animate, draw, design and compose – all with light!
Mamma’s special mentions: Keep an eye out for their Little Kids In each month